Enhance your financial card program and implement a business model that differentiates you from your competition. Legend ID's hardware and software solutions for financial card issuance, instant issuance and VIP customer-retention help you gain and retain cardholders, encourage card usage and advance your portfolio of products and services. Create and encode centrally or locally issued full color flat graphics or embossed cards.
Instant issuance of financial cards eliminates the wait time it takes for cardholders to receive their credit or debit card in the mail – which can take up to two weeks. Two weeks which dramatically decreases the likelihood of card activation and usage. But when cardholders leave the branch with their permanent, fully functional, personalized card they are empowered with their new account access and much more likely to put the card into immediate use.
VIP programs such as those used in casino and the gaming industry benefit from a secure customer card that encourages card usage and customer loyalty. Legend's team has the experience and resources to help you build your secure instant issuance solution. Call 866-371-1670 or email |